I am a management thinker, educator, researcher, consultant and an entrepreneur based in the UK. I am Professor of Marketing at the Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK. I possess wide range of industry and academic experience from middle to senior level in healthcare and media industries. I have been delivering corporate training, teaching and consulting assignments for various organizations in the Europe, Asia and North Africa. I am also a visiting professor at Aalto University (Formerly Helsinki School of Economics), Finland; Misr International University, Egypt and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany. I have also been involved with academic institutions and corporate organizations including not for profit organizations in the capacity of advisor and board of directors.
I have directly taught students representing more than 60 nationalities. I have been one of the pioneers in e-teaching methods. I possess more than 1500 man hours worth of training experience to executives representing a wide range of industries and companies from many nations.
I have been involved with various EU funded research projects involving several nations from EU and Asia.
I have written in the area of customer expectations and consumption experiences, luxury marketing and branding, international marketing and SME management in international journals including Journal of Business Research, Journal of World Business, Marketing Letters, International Marketing Review, Psychology & Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Services Marketing Quarterly, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Entrepreneurship among others. I have also been involved as a guest editor for the Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. I am on the editorial and review boards of several internationally refereed conferences and journals.
If you wish to see my research profile, click here.
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