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So far Paurav Shukla has created 87 blog entries.

Status (luxury) consumption in cross-national context: Managerial implications

[podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/status2.mp3[/podcast] In my earlier post ‘Status (luxury) consumption among British and Indian customers’, I discussed the theoretical implications relating to one of my recently published study in the International Marketing Review. In this post, I am going to focus on the managerial implications. Image by minxlj via Flickr To briefly summarise the study, it focused [Read Story]

Status (luxury) consumption among British and Indian consumers

[podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/status1.mp3[/podcast] Recently one of my research papers got published in the ‘International Marketing Review’. It focused on comparing the status consumption tendencies of British and Indian consumers. In this post, I shall focus on the findings of this study. Firstly, let me define what status consumption is and how it affects our behaviour? Researchers define [Read Story]

Does packaging affect your final purchase decision?

As the Christmas vacation nears to its end and the new year beacons I had the privilege to observe, give and receive quite a few gifts. In my case though, I was mostly on the giving end of the pleasure. Image by minifig via Flickr While the wrapping paper was being bought and later removed [Read Story]

Consequences of consumer confusion

[podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/consumerconfusion1.mp3[/podcast] As stated in my earlier post 'antecedents to consumer confusion', I shall focus on consequences of consumer confusion in this post. The earlier post focused on three important antecedents to consumer confusion namely; expectations, attribute confusion and information confusion in the context of financial services industry (i.e. banks, insurance. credit card, mortgage and other [Read Story]

Podcast: Antecedents to consumer confusion

Listen to the podcast on the 'antecedents to consumer confusion'. The original article can be found here: Antecedents to consumer confusion in financial services industry This being my first podcast I would really appreciate any feedback on this. [podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/consumerconfusion.mp3[/podcast]

Will Google WAVE really become successful?

Call me a cynic, but I have been using GoogleWave since last 4 weeks and one of the things I find is, IT'S NOT ENGAGING ENOUGH. There you go, I said it. Image via Wikipedia I don't find any compelling reason for using it. One can argue that, you don't have all your friends using [Read Story]

Antecedents to consumer confusion in financial services industry

It is only the later part of the 20th century financial services institutions (FSIs) started morphing into a different shape altogether. Previously, a bank provided only banking services (i.e. mostly a place where you can deposit and withdraw money or similar assets). However, banks changed their role in a short span of time from consumer [Read Story]

Global marketing

The ultimate aim of a marketer and marketing both is to satisfy customers’ needs and wants. Customers’ worldwide share many common features however, they display a unique response when such common elements are combined. This module focuses on the daunting issues in global marketing. Module content: Course outline Sessions Global marketing mix Marketing in emerging [Read Story]

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