
Luxury brands & interpersonal influences

The article discusses the importance of interpersonal influences in consumption decision and why it is important in the context of luxury however has not been tested till date. Provides avenues of how it can be explored in the case of luxury.

Wooing Indian luxury alcohol brand consumers

This may come as a surprise to many readers of my website as to why am I focusing on luxury alcohol consumers and that too for India. Well, recently Euromonitor International published a very interesting report on luxury alcohol market for BRICS economics. The report shows that for luxury alcohol industry, three BRIC countries will be the runner-ups after the US in terms of absolute value growth in luxury alcohol, and India and China are predicted the highest CAGRs over 2012-2017.


Top 10 countries for luxury alcohol brands [Read Story]

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Event Invitation: Beyond Bling: The role of conspicuous consumption in today’s society

Beyond Bling: The role of conspicuous consumption in today’s society 6th November 2012, 3pm – 5pm Clarence Room, Hilton Metropole, Brighton - BN1 2FU Recently, I won funding from Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) of the UK to arrange an event under the auspices of Festival of Social Science 2012. So, you are warmly invited to participate in the seminar ‘Beyond Bling: The role of conspicuous consumption in today’s society’ funded by the ESRC Festival of Social Science and hosted by the University of Brighton Business School. The growing economic and social importance of conspicuous consumption has become a [Read Story]

Wooing Indian luxury alcohol brand consumers

This may come as a surprise to many readers of my website as to why am I focusing on luxury alcohol consumers and that too for India. Well, recently Euromonitor International published a very interesting report on luxury alcohol market for BRICS economics. The report shows that for luxury alcohol industry, three BRIC countries will be the runner-ups after the US in terms of absolute value growth in luxury alcohol, and India and China are predicted the highest CAGRs over 2012-2017.   Source: Euromonitor (2012), Luxury alcohol in the BRICS: How the BRICS are reshaping the luxury alcohol industry [Read Story]

Luxury marketing: adapting value propositions

How do you convince a consumer to buy luxury products?

This is one of the very important questions asked by managers involved in marketing luxury goods. Luxury consumption – especially one related to conspicuousness – seem to have changed dramatically in the last few months with consumers clearly avoiding any conscious attempt to signal wealth.

Many observers have pointed to consumers’ attempt of avoidance stating the term ‘discreet consumption’; ‘stealth consumption’ and so on. While the phenomenon is observed all around the important question is ‘why are the luxury consumers [Read Story]

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