They are not all same (Part 2): Differences in Asian Luxury Consumption
In the part 1, I discussed how many luxury brands are failing across Asia as they treat Asian consumers as a homogeneous group and how it led my co-authors and I to examine this phenomenon in-depth. Using the value perceptions framework and theory of impression management, we [Read Story]
Does competitive intelligence help improve the bottomline? (Part 2)
In my last post on competitive intelligence, I discussed how competitive intelligence can help improve the bottomline in emerging markets. In our article published in [Read Story]
Does competitive intelligence help improve the bottomline? (Part 1)
Does competitive intelligence help improve bottomline? This post answers this question based on one of our recent research studies.
Is the investment on brand origin and brand image worth it? Case of luxury brands
While luxury brands spend significant amount of budget on branding, there is no empirical evidence as to is the investment really paying off from consumers' perspective. This articles explores the influence of luxury brand origin and brand image on consumer decision making for luxury brands.
Special issue of APJML on ‘Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia’
We are happy to announce a special issue of 'Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics' on 'Emerging Trends for Marketing [Read Story]
Luxury brands & interpersonal influences
The article discusses the importance of interpersonal influences in consumption decision and why it is important in the context of luxury however has not been tested till date. Provides avenues of how it can be explored in the case of luxury.
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