
Luxury brands in recession: Developing a better value proposition and luxury brand strategy

Commenting on my last post on ‘luxury value propositions‘, Mostafa Huga and Thangaraj asked a very pertinent question, ‘how should managers’ build a better value proposition and a marketing strategy for luxury brands in recession?’ Brand management is extremely crucial for luxury industry in customer retention and keeping consumers loyal. Focusing on value propositions can help managers not only in building a better corporate branding strategy but also a good customer relationship management campaign.

As I stated in my earlier blogs (Managing luxury brands in recession) and (Gucci’s response) that managers need to continuously focus on and understand [Read Story]

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The Alternative Vote (AV): moving from nominal to ordinal measurement

Tomorrow is a very important day for British citizens when we shall decide our next voting system - labelled as the Alternative Vote (AV). Presently, we use a simple voting system called ‘First past the post’ (FPTP). In this system, the candidate who has won the most amount of votes is the winner. So, lets say, there were 3 candidates and 1000 voters and candidate A got 401 votes, candidate B got 400 votes and candidate C got 199 votes. In the FPTP candidate A will be called the winner as he has got the most amount of votes, though [Read Story]

Luxury branding: back to basics

When using luxury brands consumers make a subtle claim that they are special, different and at the very forefront of social trends. Therefore, creating a fit between the social trends and keeping up with them is one of the critical strategic issues for all luxury brands. However, with mass-market brands gradually upgrading their appearance, strategic response and approach to marketing their products, many luxury brands are finding it hard to stay ahead of the peck. In this scenario, many luxury brands have decided to move beyond their niche and diversify very quickly into other market spaces which the consumer may [Read Story]

How in-store sampling influences your choice?

Can in-store sampling motivate you to act and purchase a cosmetics product? In this research, we looked at the significant motivations driving cosmetics shopping in retail setting, and examined how in-store sampling can be used to enhance choice goal attainment. We also focused on the influence of choice goal attainment on decision satisfaction when in-store sampling is used as a promotion technique.

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