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Special issue of APJML on ‘Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia’

We are happy to announce a special issue of 'Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics' on 'Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia' guest edited by Prof. Kim-Shyan Fam, Prof. Ernest de Run and me. Asia is a continent of paradoxes. It has some of the fastest growing economies of the world, the largest populace, and some of the wealthiest as well as the poorest societies in the world. It also possesses rich web of cultural complexities. Since the days of the Silk Route, Asia has always fascinated historians, merchants, philosophers and rulers from other parts of the world. Recently [Read Story]

Luxury consumption and relatively little impact of recession: added evidence

In the earlier blog on ‘Luxury consumption: will it be affected by recession‘ I stated three reasons why top end luxury firms were less likely to get affected by the recession. The three reasons I stated were: (a) consumers at large were changing their attitude towards luxury consumption; (b) luxury firms were attracting consumers from much wider regions (especially from emerging markets) than developed markets and (c) world tourism was up which to me has a significant connection with luxury consumption.

Today, in Financial times Lex has written an article (attached below) which provides added evidence to what [Read Story]

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