What makes a good luxury brand great?
The article discusses why some luxury brands become larger than life and are called great while others can't seem to break the barrier.
If most people can have it, is it Luxury?
Today, I went to London for a research visit and while sitting in the train for about 90 minutes I counted the number [Read Story]
Massification of Luxury: the Chinese Invasion
[podcast]http://www.pauravshukla.com/podcast/luxurychina.mp3[/podcast] Analysts world over have been writing about luxury consumption among the Chinese consumers. Few have also discussed the issues of Chinese luxury brands aimed [Read Story]
Collectivism: the new what and how?
Since last few days, I am in India enjoying the sunny weather. I am also working on a paper focusing on [Read Story]
Download my book on Marketing Research
It took me some time, but I have been able to finish the compendium I wrote on 'Marketing Research'. It is [Read Story]
Management and family
MCC has recently acquired a small but successful Swedish software company. Its head founded it three years ago with his son [Read Story]
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