Comparing the luxury brand value
Luxury brands are bought in different countries for different values. This study evaluates those values consumers consider and provides a comparison between Indian and British luxury consumers.
What do teachers make? – An inspiring poem
Came across this fabulous poem by Taylor Mali on What do teachers make? The poet puts it in words so beautifully, I could not resist [Read Story]
Status (luxury) consumption in cross-national context: Managerial implications
[podcast][/podcast] In my earlier post ‘Status (luxury) consumption among British and Indian customers’, I discussed the theoretical implications relating to one of my recently published [Read Story]
Re-negotiate the contract
A year after the BIG mining company had signed a 10 year long term contract with a foreign buyer to buy [Read Story]
Research, what research?
Today, while looking through BBC website I came across this story about left and right handed people and the differences in [Read Story]
The culture conundrum
Mr. Geddy Teok, an American – Chinese (second generation) employee of a large New Jersey pharmaceutical firm, was based in Tokyo, [Read Story]
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