
Comparing the luxury brand value

Luxury brands are bought in different countries for different values. This study evaluates those values consumers consider and provides a comparison between Indian and British luxury consumers.

Status (luxury) consumption among British and Indian consumers


Recently one of my research papers got published in the ‘International Marketing Review’. It focused on comparing the status consumption tendencies of British and Indian consumers. In this post, I shall focus on the findings of this study.

Firstly, let me define what status consumption is and how it affects our behaviour? Researchers define status consumption as the consumers’ behaviour of seeking to purchase goods and services for the status they confer, regardless of consumer’s objective income or social class. Status consumption generally involved high-end expensive luxury products. They are not consumed by most people regularly but only at the social events of [Read Story]

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Luxury brands & interpersonal influences

The article discusses the importance of interpersonal influences in consumption decision and why it is important in the context of luxury however has not been tested till date. Provides avenues of how it can be explored in the case of luxury.

Special issue of APJML on ‘Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia’

We are happy to announce a special issue of 'Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics' on 'Emerging Trends for Marketing in Asia' guest edited by Prof. Kim-Shyan Fam, Prof. Ernest de Run and me. Asia is a continent of paradoxes. It has some of the fastest growing economies of the world, the largest populace, and some of the wealthiest as well as the poorest societies in the world. It also possesses rich web of cultural complexities. Since the days of the Silk Route, Asia has always fascinated historians, merchants, philosophers and rulers from other parts of the world. Recently [Read Story]

They are not all same (Part 2): Differences in Asian Luxury Consumption


In the part 1, I discussed how many luxury brands are failing across Asia as they treat Asian consumers as a homogeneous group and how it led my co-authors and I to examine this phenomenon in-depth. Using the value perceptions framework and theory of impression management, we discovered some very interesting differences among consumers in three largest emerging economies of Asia, namely, China, India and Indonesia.

In the first part, I wrote about what Indian consumers’ value the most and how to specifically market to these consumers. In this part, I will offer comparative [Read Story]

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