  • LVMH Tiffany acquisition

LVMH & Tiffany: The master negotiator is at play again!

The LVMH's Tiffany acquisition was announced in late 2019. However, recently, rumours have emerged that LVMH has got cold fit in paying 37% premium for an acquisition in this COVID-19 era. I offer an alternative account of what may be going on behind the scene. Speculative I know, but nothing is impossible in the master negotiator Bernard Arnault's playbook. Have a read! 

What is your digital value strategy?

Value is a fundamental driver for consumer decision making. However, many organizations are unclear about what value consumer derive from their products or services. Moreover, this is even more complicated in the digital environment. Using research over the past decade, I provide a strategic toolkit to think and thrive through developing and managing digital value for your organization. 

Engaging the gamers: what motivates gamers to purchase virtual goods

Virtual goods market generates more than $15 billion in annual revenue globally and is rising rapidly. We demonstrate how and which extrinsic and intrinsic motivations influence gamers to engage and purchase virtual goods. In examining the interactive effects of individual- and group-level variables, we uncover the social influence dynamics that drive virtual purchase behaviour. Thus, we answer if the virtual economy-based purchase behaviour demonstrates an extension of real-world behaviour.

Seriously, I thought Haier was a German brand! Detrimental effects of country of origin misclassification on bottomline

Many brands, particularly those from countries associated with poor production quality, attempt to disguise their origins. Some even attempt to deliberately associate their brand with a country that has a strong image to win over customers. Our recent research suggests that this can backfire, however. When customers find out the truth about a brand’s origins, they are not happy about it. In fact, they feel discontent and are put off buying from them in the future.

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They are not all same (Part 2): Differences in Asian Luxury Consumption

  In the part 1, I discussed how many luxury brands are failing across Asia as they treat Asian consumers as a homogeneous group and how it led my co-authors and I to examine this phenomenon in-depth. Using the value perceptions framework and theory of impression management, we discovered some very interesting differences among consumers in three largest emerging economies of Asia, namely, China, India and Indonesia. In the first part, I wrote about what Indian consumers’ value the most and how to specifically market to these consumers. In this part, I will offer comparative findings regarding the [Read Story]

Synthetic diamonds are forever too, or are they!

  Lab-made, synthetic diamonds are becoming increasingly similar in quality, cut, and clarity to natural ones. Technological advances has resulted in their growing use and acceptance in industry – but cracking the luxury consumer market is the final frontier. This is in large part to do with the the way consumers place value on products. The idea of creating diamonds in a laboratory is not new. Scientists have been at it since the mid-19th century, armed with the knowledge that diamonds are the product of carbon that’s exposed to high heat and pressure. But applying this in a [Read Story]

Luxury marketing: adapting value propositions

How do you convince a consumer to buy luxury products?

This is one of the very important questions asked by managers involved in marketing luxury goods. Luxury consumption – especially one related to conspicuousness – seem to have changed dramatically in the last few months with consumers clearly avoiding any conscious attempt to signal wealth.

Many observers have pointed to consumers’ attempt of avoidance stating the term ‘discreet consumption’; ‘stealth consumption’ and so on. While the phenomenon is observed all around the important question is ‘why are the luxury consumers [Read Story]

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